Did you read that Texas became the first US state to require that all 11- and 12-year-old girls receive an Australian-developed vaccine against the human papillomavirus, or HPV, a sexually transmitted disease that can cause cervical cancer?


Why? Read the following quotes from several doctors and you will think twice before getting another vaccination. We have a problem and BIG money is working to keep it quiet!

"It is only during the last day of the conference that we learn that most of the objections concerning the positive relationship between thimerosal-containing vaccines and ADD and ADHA were bogus. For example, Dr. Rapin on page 200 notes that all children in the study were below age 6 and that ADD and ADHD are very difficult to diagnose in pre-schoolers. She also notes that some children were followed for only a short period." The Truth Behind the Vaccine Cover-Up by Russell Blaylock, M.D.

"With the polio vaccine we are witnessing a rerun of the medical reluctance to abandon the smallpox vaccination, which remained as the only source of smallpox-related deaths for three decades after the disease had disappeared. Think of it! For thirty years kids died from smallpox vaccinations even though no longer threatened by the disease." Dr Robert Mendelsohn, M.D.

"There is a great deal of evidence to prove that immunization of children does more harm than good." Dr. J. Anthony Morris, former Chief Vaccine Control Officer and research virologist, US FDA

I am no longer "trying to dig up evidence to prove" vaccines cause autism. There is already abundant evidence, the same conclusion made by a 2003 U.S. Congressional Committee. This debate is not scientific but is political. I am trying to encourage physicians who have been badly misled by nothing less than spin and propaganda to review the extensive scientific evidence for themselves showing the vaccine-autism link, even though "experts" disagree.. [July 9, 2006 Blog/letter] Discovering the causes, treatment of autism ----David Ayoub, MD

Modern drugs and vaccines have proven to be a hoax in attaining health. They have brought false hopes......The vaccinations are not working, and they are dangerous.. We should be working with nature. ----Are We Kidding Ourselves? By Lendon H.Smith, M.D.

Scientific evidence shows that babies can have severe adverse reactions to vaccinations at critical intervals following their shots, and that vaccination is the more likely cause of cot death and shaken baby syndrome. VACCINATION AND THE DYNAMICS OF CRITICAL DAYS by Viera Scheibner, PhD

"When the link between the use of unsafe, mercury-laden vaccine and autism, ADHD, asthma, allergies and diabetes becomes undeniable, mainstream medicine will be sporting a huge, self-inflicted and well-deserved black eye. Then will come the billion-dollar awards, by enraged juries, to the children and their families. I can't wait."--Dr Rimland

"Autism is not the only severe chronic illness which has reached epidemic proportions as the number of (profitable) vaccines has rapidly increased. Children now receive 33 vaccines before they enter school – a huge increase. The vaccines contain not only live viruses but also very significant amounts of highly toxic substances such as mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde. Could this be the reason for the upsurge in autism, ADHD, asthma, arthritis, Crohn’s disease, lupus and other chronic disorders?"---Dr Rimland

"My own personal view is that vaccines are unsafe and worthless. I will not allow myself to be vaccinated again. .....The bottom line is that infectious diseases are least likely to affect (and to kill) those who have healthy immune systems. I no longer believe that vaccines have any role to play in the protection of the community or the individual. Vaccines may be profitable but, in my view, they are neither safe nor effective. I prefer to put my trust in building up my immune system."---Dr Vernon Coleman MB

(LOTS more)

Beware of Gardasil, The Cervical Cancer Vaccine by Helen Lobato
"...This vaccine was just approved in June, 2006. It was never tested on pre-teens except in a tiny trial run with at most 18 months of follow up. Even if we subscribe to the theory that HPV causes cervical cancer, there is ZERO hard data showing that this vaccine reduces cervical cancer rates or cervical cancer mortality rates, which are both already very low in the US and getting lower every year. Now Texas has already made this vaccine mandatory for middle school with all sorts of useful idiots and Big Pharma operatives clamoring for more states to make this vaccine COMPULSORY immediately."

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